Hacking on SILPA and related modules¶
Did you said you are interested to hack on SILPA and related modules? That is really cool!. You are welcome to join us.
Please come and hangout with us on #silpa on irc.freenode.net and join in discussions. We also have mailing list silpa-discuss@nongnu.org. Come discuss with us and propose your ideas!.
Guidelines for Coding and Pull Requests¶
- Please follow PEP-8 standard for all python code, make sure your code is PEP-8 compilant before sending the PR.
- Please fork our repository from github organization page.
- Develop new feature bug fixes etc. on separate branch, do not change things in master branch.
- When committing please commit changes atomically, i.e. all related changes should go in a single commit. Do not commit unrelated changes together.
- Write tests, write more and more tests we love tests :-). Make sure your new features pass all tests before raising PR. (Obviously we don’t need tests for documentation changes).
- Keep the history clean, squash or delete unnecessary commits.
- Write meaningful commit messages which explains the changes in commit. Consider adding sign-offs and mentioning issues fixed by commit (if any).
- Write meaningful PR which explains changes and gives possible usage example.
- If your commit passes all above then likelihood of your changes getting merged is more :-).
- All commit will be checked and merged by the core team <https://github.com/orgs/Project-SILPA/teams/core>_.